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We set our agenda through a grassroots program planning process, through which members influence the issues we will work on at the local, state, and national levels.
Program planning is the League of Women Voters' equivalent of voting in an election — it's each member’s voice!
Our program is the issues that the League chooses for concerted study, education and action at local, state and national levels. Our program can include both education and advocacy work.
The program planning process is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization. Each League member has the opportunity to influence the selection of issues where the local, state, and national Leagues will focus time, talent, and money. It takes the enthusiasm and interest of our members to keep our program vital.
The process starts with the local League program planning meetings, at which members propose the areas on which they’d like the local, state, and national Leagues to focus their energy and resources (staff, board, consultants, and volunteers) over the next two years. The choices could be a new study, an update of an existing League position, or concurrence with an existing or proposed position.
The League of Women Voters of San Francisco goes through a local program planning process every two years, on odd years.
The goals for the local program planning meeting is to propose areas of focus (sometimes called priority issues) and position recommendations to LWVSF's board of directors. LWVSF members then vote on whether to adopt the local program at the annual meeting. The areas of focus may be based on current League work or on new topics the local League would like to focus on.
The League of Women Voters of California goes through a state program planning process every two years, on odd years. Work is managed by LWVC's board of directors, state staff, and volunteers across the state.
Local Leagues share their top issues with the state League, and then these issues are then put to vote at the state convention by the delegates who attend from each local League. The issues voted on by these delegates then become part of the priority issues and the recommended program for the state League.
The League of Women Voters of the United States goes through a national program planning process every two years, on even years. Work is managed by the LWVUS board of directors and national staff.
Local Leagues share their top issues with the national League, and then these issues are put to vote at the national convention by the delegates who attend from each state and local League. The issues voted on by these delegates then become part of the priority issues and the recommended program for the national League.
© 2025 League of Women Voters of San Francisco. All rights reserved.
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